Now Serving the Communities of Rogers Park & Evanston
Open Daily from 8AM – 8PM
Wild Onion Market: Serving your community the best local farm fresh produce and products from local vendors!
We keep your dollars local, employ folks who live here and sell honest food coming through a transparent supply chain.
Shop 20% Off Sales

Bi-Monthly Savings
Co-op Deals are sales open to everyone. These sales come to the Co-op, because of our membership in the National Cooperative Grocers Association (NCGA). By pooling our buying power through the NCGA we are able to get better sale prices from our distributors than we could as a single store.
Wild Onion Market News & Events
Happy Hour, Local Greens & 20% Off Sales
Happy Hour Tonight! Join us tonight from 5:30-7pm for samples of Koval spirits, Saucier soups, Awe-Sauce hot sauce, Poppa Mac's Coffee, and Bright Endeavors candles. Local Organic Greens This week we have some amazing Collards, Green Curly Kale, and Rainbow Chard from...
Warm up with Delicious Deals!
Warm up with Wild Onion Market’s Delicious Fresh Deals! Featuring Maya Kaimal Everyday Dal and much more. We welcome our local knife sharpener Dave who will be available February 25th 3PM – 7PM to sharpen your cutlery! See you soon!
Join us this week at our first annual LOVE LOCAL event!
The latest Co+Op Deals Flier is in store today! Just in time for the Super Bowl! We’ve got everything you need to make your Super Bowl party a win! From snacks to meats, and even vegan options, ON SALE NOW. ALSO! We hope to see you this weekend for our celebration of...
Our Doors are Open to Anyone, and Everyone is Welcome!
Click the video below to see what’s inside YOUR market.
Wild Onion Market is independently owned and operated by YOUR community. Everyone can shop, and anyone can become an owner. Our owners (2300 people and counting!) have organized over the past 12 years to make our store a physical reality. We invite you to shop our store, where your dollars support the health and wealth of your neighborhood.