Wild Onion Market is our market. We’ll keep dollars local, support local farmers and producers, and help build a sustainable food production and packaging system. Join here!
Spread the word! Share and comment @WildOnionMarket on Facebook
Ownership has grown by more than 10% in the last month. Let’s keep the momentum going!


We’re forging community connections with the Capital Campaign! We raise our funds through Owners having conversations with other Owners.
Co-op Owners, you will get a phone call or a text from a fellow Owner during the Capital Campaign. You don’t want to miss this call! It’s your opportunity to invest in your co-op and in your values, and it is only available until May 22. If you get a voicemail, be sure to call back.
If you can’t wait for the phone to ring, you can fill out the pledge form to get started. Or you can always reach us at invest@wildonionmarket.com with questions.
We have many ways to connect! More information is coming your way via postal mail and email. Let’s start the conversation about how we bring more healthy local food to our neighborhood and build our local food system.
Join as an Owner today to learn more about these exclusive investment opportunities.
Food Politics Corner
by Debbie Hillman
1. LOCAL: North Shore
Job opening: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Curt’s Cafe Non-profit provides food & life skills training to young adults living in at-risk situations. Two locations: Evanston & Highland Park.
Search to replace current ED Susan Trieschmann is just beginning. Until job is formally posted, questions are being taken by Board president Rick Marsh, rick.marsh@comcast.net
EvanstonNow article on search.
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2. REGIONAL: Illinois
Hosted by Illinois Stewardship Alliance
March 24, 2022 12:00-1:00 PM
ISA is one of Illinois’s oldest and best food and farm organizations.
Register |
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Urban Food Policy Forum, CUNY
Feb. 24, 2022 9:30-11:00 AM Central Panel: Policies to replicate, scale, and finance food as medicine programs, from medically-tailored meals to prescription produce programs.
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Co-op Election, Capital Campaign Kick-Off & Annual Meeting
Owners, in case you missed the email from Jillian last week, it’s not too late to apply to run for a seat on the Board! We have re-opened the application period in order to further ensure inclusivity and access for all Owners. On February 9, all Owners received an email from Wild Onion Market with the updated eligibility requirements. The deadline to apply for a Board position is February 23, midnight. The elections will now be open from Sunday, February 27 to Sunday, March 13. Email lisa.gordon@wildonionmarket.
Capital Campaign Kick-off & Annual Meeting:
We invite all Owners to our Capital Campaign Kick-off & Annual Meeting on Sunday, March 6 at 1:00 pm (via Zoom). Join the wave of excitement about the next steps to get our doors on the store and to learn more about how you can invest in your values. This lively event will combine the co-op’s Annual Meeting with a sneak peek into the new store and news about how we are going to fund it. Your questions and comments are an important part of this event.
RSVP here today and watch your email for the Zoom link the day before the meeting. The link will go to the email through which you signed up to be an Owner.
Not an Owner yet? Join today so you can get the inside scoop!
Wild Onion Market Events
February 22: Wild Onion Market Info Session/Meet & Greet, 7-7:45 PM. Build co-op and community connection. New owners, interested folks, and co-op veterans are all welcome!
DIAL IN: +1 312 626 6799, Meeting ID: 926 1623 4252, Passcode: 157744 |
February 23: Candidate applications are due for the upcoming Wild Onion Market Board elections. See above for more information. |
February 27-March 13: Co-op Board Election voting is open. Details to come. |
March 6: Wild Onion Market Annual Board Meeting & Capital Campaign Kick-Off, 1-3 PM. All Owners are invited to attend and bring questions and comments. We’ll get a sneak peek of the new store and news about how we are going to fund it. Board candidates are encouraged to attend. RSVP here, Zoom link will be sent to all Owners on March 5. |
March 15: Capital Campaign Committee/Community Engagement Committee Meeting, 7-8 PM. Meetings are the third Tuesday of each month. Write mary@wildonionmarket.com |

Call to Action
We did it. We found our store at 7007 N. Clark Street. Very exciting! Now we need you to help keep up the momentum to fund our construction and opening! Don’t miss this opportunity to join our Capital Campaign team to raise the investments and donations needed to build our dream store.
Be part of a team of Owners, like you, to make calls and do follow-up work during our focused Capital Campaign phase March 6 – May 22. New to fundraising? Worry not! We’ve got two national consultants who will train us. We’ve got lots of materials, too. And, we have each other! We’ll gain inspiration and motivation together. Why? Because TOGETHER is the co-op way.
Consider joining our team of callers. Callers will be people who enjoy talking on the phone and are comfortable engaging with other Wild Onion Market Owners. Callers will be trained and supported to become a team confident and competent in answering questions about investment opportunities. If making phone calls isn’t your thing, there are other opportunities. If you’re good with numbers and spreadsheets, join our team of collectors who will be responsible for collecting the funds and making sure that all paperwork is in place and appropriately signed. We’ll train you, support you and inspire you! Don’t wait – the first training session is this Thursday, 2/17 at 7pm. Intrigued? Email ann@wildonionmarket.com to get answers to your questions and to get started.
Looking for a fun and flexible way to help the co-op while getting out and about in your neighborhood, or learning a new neighborhood? Join our Visibility team! We have window clings for co-op Owner businesses that will identify them as Owners at this important time of growth. We’ll identify a list of businesses near you and provide window clings, and you provide time, energy and passion for spreading Wild Onion Market’s name. Win-Win! Email ann@wildonionmarket.com to get connected to our recruitment effort.
We are on the move – gaining Owners, fundraising, and getting our store ready to open!
Questions about Wild Onion Market? Email Board@