June 2022 Newsletter
Wild Onion Market is our market. We’ll keep dollars local, support local farmers and producers, and help build a sustainable food production and packaging system. Join here!
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Ownership and investment momentum have continued this month as we work towards opening our doors at 7007 N. Clark St. Here’s what Owners Bonnie and Jason had to say about whey they decided to become Owners and invest in the Capital Campaign:
Bonnie and Jason, Owners #1199:
“We joined Wild Onion and contributed to the Capital Campaign because fresh, local food is so important to us. And we love that we — the members, Owners, and community members — get a voice in how our food system operates. We are so looking forward to this community asset coming into its own.”
Are you able to make an investment to help the store open more quickly? See details and options here.
Not yet an Owner? Now is the time! Purchase a one-time only Owner share for $250 per household/business. To make ownership more affordable, we have various accessibility options, including monthly installments starting at $10, and a scholarship program. Read more about Wild Onion Market.

SumAction Beer Collaboration
In celebration of International Cooperative Day on July 2, Sketchbook Brewing Company (Owner #242) has collaborated with Wild Onion Market and Evanston Development Cooperative to create its special release SumAction beer. Inspired by the two cooperatives, SumAction protests for the solidarity economy — an international initiative advancing tangible alternatives to capitalism, where fundamental human needs are owned and governed by the people.
SumAction is a hazy pale ale brewed with all midwestern ingredients — and can you guess what its special local ingredient is?!
Starting at noon on July 2, SumAction will be available at the Sketchbook taprooms in both Evanston and Skokie until it sells out. $1 from all 4-packs and pints of SumAction goes to Wild Onion Market and Evanston Development Cooperative.
Join us at Sketchbook Skokie on Sunday, July 3 at 2 PM to celebrate the SumAction release and raise a glass with your favorite local cooperatives. Wild Onion Market and Evanston Development Cooperative will be there to talk all things co-op, and local favorites Norah O’Connor & Casey McDonough will be playing folk-inspired tunes from 3-5 PM (see details at in Events, below).
Sketchbook’s Amy Wilkinson enjoys the scent of the SumAction’s special ingredient!

T-Shirt Sale Ends June 26
Wild Onion Market’s new Best of the Best 2022 t-shirts are available until June 26. Help us celebrate this big accomplishment while also raising money for our scholarship fund. Check out our new colors and styles at our on-line store.

Amount Raised so far: $527,642
Total Investors: 142
Average investment: $3,715
A note from Mary Meyer, Owner #1:
A huge THANK YOU to our team of Owner/volunteers: Nancy, Betty, Paula, Maureen, Greg, Ariel, Matt, Sandy, Roxanne, Jodh, Lin, Rachel, Ann, Barry, Adam, who together have raised over $500,000 to build our grocery store.
The goal of the Campaign was to contact every co-op Owner and explain the investment offerings. Prior to the start of the Campaign on March 7th, all team members spent 7 hours in training learning about the investment offerings as well as learning how to use our management system in HubSpot. All stayed the course until the Campaign ended on June 12th. I worked on the campaign and saw firsthand their dedication. Let’s all express our gratitude to this amazing team for their dedication to raising the funds needed to get our store open.
I also want to thank all the owners who participated in the Campaign by making an investment either with an owner loan, preferred shares purchase or by making a donation. It all added up to our result of $527,642 raised.
In building our Wild Onion Market, it takes many hands doing lots of different work, with everyone contributing what they can in terms of funds, time and talent. It truly is a community effort.
We will all take a brief rest, celebrate this accomplishment and get ready to raise the needed funds in the fall to cover construction costs for the store.
You can always reach us at invest@wildonionmarket.com with questions.

7007 N. Clark Update
Our architect, mechanical engineer, and plumbing consultants are working hard to complete the documents needed for permitting. Our hope is to submit the package to the city by mid-July and have been told the permitting process can 3 and 12 weeks after submission.
In the meantime, we need to clear out the space! When we leased the store, it was filled with equipment. We are keeping a majority of it but there is still a lot we need to get rid of. So far, we sold some pieces, gave items to the tienda across the street, and are working with Evanston Rebuilding Warehouse to take some more materials. Then we will have a scrapper come and get the rest. Demolition is scheduled to start early August, so come to our next sneak preview July 24 (details below) if you want to see the location in its “before” phase!
New banners in our windows and on the fence at Clark and Lunt. We appreciate Owners Ricky Burton-Romero, Mary Griswold, and Lin Prucher for our great signage!
Wild Onion Market Events
Be in the know about new events! Subscribe to our Facebook or Instagram.
June 26: Last day of Wild Onion Market T-Shirt Sale. Shop here! |
July 3: SumAction Beer Release Party & Cooperative Hang Out, 2-5 PM. Celebrate the launch of SumAction with Sketchbook, Wild Onion Market and Evanston Development Cooperative. Enjoy music from Chicago folk veterans Norah O’Connor and Casey McDonough, 3-5 PM. Sketchbook Brewing Skokie Taproom, 4901 Main St., Skokie.
July 24: Wild Onion Market Sneak Peek #3, 3-5 PM. Join us to explore, meet other co-opers, pick up swag to show your co-op pride, and share snacks. 7007 N. Clark St, Chicago. |
Food Politics Corner
by Debbie Hillman
Transforms parking lots, etc., into urban gardens and pocket forests.
Founded by UIUC’s Water Lab
Video (3.5 mins) by Depave Portland, OR
Proposal for legislation: Adopt Genuine Progress Indicator
GPI counts things that GDP doesn’t:
—ecological services of nature (air, water, soil)
—housework, women’s unpaid care work, etc.
—costs of pollution, crime, war, car crashes, etc.
State Rep. Robyn Gabel, IL-18 (Assistant Majority Leader) said she’ll consider it over summer. Contact your State Rep., State Senator.
What your Food Ate: How to Heal our Land and Reclaim our Health
New book by Anne Bikle, David R. Montgomery
About the rhizosphere.
Call to Action
If you’d like to get more involved in Wild Onion Market, there are many ways to participate and volunteer. The possibilities are unlimited and so rewarding! Email hello@wildonionmarket.com to learn how you can get started.

We are on the move – gaining Owners, fundraising, and getting our store ready to open!
Join the excitement!
Questions about Wild Onion Market? Email Board@wildonionmarket.com
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