Wild Onion Market is our market. We’ll keep dollars local, support local farmers and producers, and help build a sustainable food production and packaging system. Join here!
Spread the word! Share and comment @WildOnionMarket on Facebook
Only 10% of Founding Owner shares remain.
We’ve reached 895 Owners! Secure one of the last 105 Founding Owner spots.
The first 1,000 Wild Onion Market Owners will be forever known as the Founding Owners, having joined forces to guide the store into existence.
Together, we are opening a grocery store that:
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 121 businesses are Founding Owners. Read more about Wild Onion Market here. Already an Owner? Encourage your friends to join you! |
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To make ownership affordable, we have various accessibility options, including monthly installments starting at $10 and a scholarship program.
Wild Onion Market Events Calendar
September 21: Capital Campaign Committee Meeting, 7-8 PM. Meetings are the third Tuesday of each month. Write mary@wildonionmarket.com |
September 23: Community Engagement Committee Meeting, 7-8 PM (rescheduled from 9/16 in observance of Yom Kippur). Please join the call if you’re interested in how Wild Onion Market connects with its neighbors. Write michelle@ |
October 2: Handmade Happy Hour’s End of Summer Extravaganza, 12-5 PM (5th Floor, 1800 Maple Ave. Parking Garage, Evanston). Co-hosted by Evanston Made, this large gathering of local artists and makers will include some of our Owners’ wares. Adjacent to the Farmers Market, which ends at 1 PM. Visit us at a table with @bromerocards (Owner #67), who kindly invited us to share space. Come say hi, pick up SWAG, bring a friend. Start your holiday shopping supporting local artisans. Register for the free event at https://www.eventbrite.com/![]() ![]() ![]() |
October 3: Shred Day at Devon Bank Parking Lot, 8:30-11:30 AM (6445 N. Western Ave., Chicago). Sponsored by West Ridge Chamber of Commerce and 50th Ward Alderman Debra Silverstein. We thank our partners at Devon Bank who are also Wild Onion Market Owners. Shred private documents, recycle electronic devices, then come say hi as we share information about Wild Onion Market. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
October 6: Uncommon Ground Wild Onion Market Happy Hour Rooftop Farm Party!, 5:30-7:30+ PM (1401 W. Devon Ave., Chicago). Enjoy a night on the Uncommon Ground (Owner #200) organic rooftop farm mingling with Wild Onion Market Owners and potential Owners while enjoying complimentary beer tastings and small bites. Stay for dinner that evening (make a reservation!) and receive 20% off when you mention Wild Onion Market. Please join us for an evening of joyfulness!
![]() ![]() ![]() *** All CDC guidelines will be strictly followed. If we need to gather inside due to inclement weather, a vaccination card and mask will be mandatory. ***
October 7: Wild Onion Market Board Meeting, 7-9 PM. All Owners are invited to monthly board meetings. Write lisa.gordon@ |
October 11: Communication Committee Meeting, 6-7:15 PM. Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month. Write lisa@wildonionmarket.com for Zoom link. |
October 14: Co-op Information and Welcome Session, 7-8 PM. Zoom information forthcoming on social media, and/or write michelle@wildonionmarket.com. |
Location, Location, Location
We have an architect, store designers and an equipment procurement specialist all ready to start working! Now we just need to sign a lease…We are currently in a holding pattern on “our” site and remain hopeful an agreement can be reached soon. In the meantime, we continue to explore other options.
Food Politics Corner
by Debbie Hillman
Introduced by Bobby Rush (IL1)
Includes funding for:
–conservation easement
–microentrepreneurship assistance
–community food projects
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Food systems fellowships (2 years)
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–Organized by Organic Farmers Assn.
–Contracts with 89 organic dairy farms in the NE (ME, VT, NH, NY) have been terminated by Danone (a certified B corporation). Petition identifies 3 alternatives for Danone.
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Wild Onion Market Funding FAQ
What kinds of investments will be available during the Capital Campaign?
There will be multiple options for Owner investment, including:
- Purchasing Preferred Shares
- Making an Owner Loan
- Making tax-deductible donations
What is a Preferred Share?
A Preferred Share is a non-voting share in the co-op that Owners can purchase in addition to the common shares that every Owner purchases. (Your initial $250 investment in the co-op is a purchase of 2.5 common shares of the corporation.)
An investment in Preferred Shares has a minimum of $2,000 (2 shares) and a maximum of $7,500 (7.5 shares). Illinois law only allows Owners to own a total of 10 shares in any co-op. Your 2.5 common shares plus 7.5 Preferred Shares gives you 10 total co-op shares.
What is the advantage of Preferred Shares?
For the co-op, Preferred Shares are better than loans because they show up as equity on our balance sheet. They reduce the amount of debt service that we will have in our first years of operation. Having more equity and less debt may allow us to obtain commercial financing more easily.
For the investor, Preferred Shares accrue an annual dividend of 3%. This dividend will be paid out only when the co-op’s Board votes to declare a dividend. Preferred Share dividends are paid out before any patronage dividends are paid to all Owners.
How do I invest in Preferred Shares?
All Owners will have an opportunity soon to invest in our co-op, by purchasing Preferred Shares and/or by making an Owner Loan in our Capital Campaign. If you are ready to invest now, you can email invest@wildonionmarket.

Call to Action
We are on the move – gaining Owners, securing our store site, and fundraising!
Questions about Wild Onion Market? Email Board@