Wild Onion Market is our market. We’ll keep dollars local, support local farmers and producers, and help build a sustainable food production and packaging system. Join here!
Spread the word! Share and comment @WildOnionMarket on Facebook
In the last year, Wild Onion Market ownership has almost doubled! Your commitment has allowed us to enter this exciting new phase of capital raising and getting ready to build out, staff, stock and open the store.
Not yet an Owner? Now is the time – we need 400 more Owners by the time we open the store, which we hope will be this year! Purchase a one-time only Owner share for $250 per household/business. To make ownership more affordable, we have various accessibility options, including monthly installments starting at $10, and a scholarship program. Read more about Wild Onion Market.


Have you seen the design for our new store at 7007 N. Clark St.? It’s beautiful! Not only will it have ample room for local, sustainable produce, a coffee bar, and a seating section, it will also have no fewer than three bulk sections!
One bulk section will be devoted to gluten-free and nut-free products, which we hope will allow people with certain food allergies and sensitivities to have access to bulk products. There will also be a separate section for bulk cleaning products and toiletries. The third bulk section will have flours, nuts, and other products.
We’ve started fundraising for this amazing new store. You can follow our fundraising progress by watching the ticker on our website. While you’re there, learn more about your options for participating in the Capital Campaign, and make a pledge. Everyone can participate, whether you are an Owner or not. Let’s build our store together!
You can always reach us at invest@wildonionmarket.com with questions.
Food Politics Corner
by Debbie Hillman
1. LOCAL — Evanston Edible Evanston latest newsletter
—Seed Swaps
—Food Forest volunteering
—Produce sharing
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2. STATE — Illinois a. Better School Lunches Act HB4813
Story: Eliminates “lowest bid” requirement so vendors can offer higher quality food — e.g., from local farmers.
b. Black Farmer Restoration Program Act HB3501
Story: Would redress systemic disparities against Illinois Black farmers & ranchers.
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3. GLOBAL — United Nations Human Rights Complaint being considered re: implementation of ICESCR, UN “food sovereignty” agreement
Complaint based on (a) diminishing access to money, (b) diminishing money supply, (c) increasing financialization of everything.
Background: 2018 interview with author of Food Bank Nations: Poverty, Corporate Charity, and the Right To Food (starts at 15:30)
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Wild Onion Market Events
March 15: Capital Campaign Committee/Community Engagement Committee Meeting, 7-8 PM. Meetings are the third Tuesday of each month. Write mary@wildonionmarket.com |
March 20: Wild Onion Market Info Session/Meet & Greet, 1-1:45 PM. Build co-op and community connections. New owners, interested folks, and co-op veterans are all welcome!
DIAL IN: +1 312 626 6799, Meeting ID: 926 1623 4252, Passcode: 157744 |
March 24: The Illinois Stewardship Alliance is a statewide non-profit that cultivates a local food and farm system that is economically viable, socially just, and environmentally sustainable. With offices in Springfield, ISA’s advocacy and programming centers on soil health, local food education, fair, living wages for local producers and making healthy food accessible to all. The FOOD & FARM DAY OF ACTION is an annual event held each spring to bring together farmers, food system leaders, organizations, and residents of Illinois to advocate for fair food and farm policy. Let’s advocate for equitable, transparent, food and farm policies. Are you interested in addressing racial equity in the food system? Building climate resilience? Protecting and improving our soil and water? Supporting policies related to farm-to-school, farmers markets and small farm livelihood? Let’s use our voices together! RSVP at ilstewards.org. Fresh, healthy food is a right, not a privilege. By supporting local, sustainable food systems we uplift our communities, strengthen our local economy and put people and the planet before profit. Join the movement and become a Wild Onion Market food co-op Owner. If you already are, please consider investing in the Capital Campaign! ![]() |
March 31: Wild Onion Market Info Session/Meet & Greet, 7-7:45 PM (see Zoom info above) |
April 7: Wild Onion Market Board Meeting, 7-9 PM. All Owners are invited to attend. Write lisa.gordon@wildonionmarket. |

Call to Action
It’s not too late to join the amazing Capital Campaign caller team to raise the funds needed to renovate and upgrade 7007 N. Clark St. to support our mission and vision. We’ll train you, provide scripts, and infuse inspiration to support you! The Campaign kicked off on March 6 and continues until May 22. Email hello@wildonionmarket.com for more information and to get connected.
Or maybe you love planning, coordinating or hosting events to engage our communities – to educate, to recruit, and to connect? There are many ways to participate. We are looking for Owners to partner and lead small teams to continue our Owner growth and engagement. Build co-op connections while walking with your team along our local business corridors for a visibility event focused on getting posters and window clings into windows. Recruit and coordinate Owner volunteers to table this spring at the Collective Resource Compost Gift-Back events at the Talking Farm. The possibilities are unlimited and so rewarding! Email hello@wildonionmarket.com to learn how you can get started.
We are on the move – gaining Owners, fundraising, and getting our store ready to open!
Questions about Wild Onion Market? Email Board@